The Nipigon - Red Rock Gazette - newspaper and services
Glenn HART Editor
155B Railway Street, Nipigon P.O. Box 1057
155B Railway Street, Nipigon P.O. Box 1057
The Nipigon - Red Rock Gazette - newspaper and services
Tel: 807-887-3583
Fax: 807-887-3720
Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 10am-5:30pm
Thursday/Friday 11am-5:30pm
The Newspaper
The Nipigon - Red Rock Gazette is a community newspaper published weekly covering the areas of Nipigon, Red Rock, Lake Helen FN, Dorion, Hurkett, and Rocky Bay FN on the North Shore of Lake Superior, Ontario Canada.
The Print Shop
Located at 155B Railway Street, we offer photo copying, direct printing, email to print, faxing, scan to email, laminating, and design for your immediate printing needs.
Our fully equipped print shop can supply all your other printing needs. No matter how big or small the job, we can handle it all.
Office Supplies and Stationery
The office at 155B Railway Street in Nipigon houses a comprehensive supply of Office Supplies and Stationery Products for business and personal use. Anything not in stock can be conveniently ordered.
We can stock specific items for your business on an ongoing basis.
Parcel Pick up Service
We will sign for your package, but we take no responsibility/liability for its condition as received. We will not accept COD.s, dangerous goods, illegal materials or any items that require special handling.
Local Purolator Agent
Dry Cleaning
Northland Bus Agent – Packages and Passengers
The Nipigon - Red Rock Gazette - newspaper and services
Tel: 807-887-3583
Fax: 807-887-3720
Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 10am-5:30pm
Thursday/Friday 11am-5:30pm
The Newspaper
The Nipigon - Red Rock Gazette is a community newspaper published weekly covering the areas of Nipigon, Red Rock, Lake Helen FN, Dorion, Hurkett, and Rocky Bay FN on the North Shore of Lake Superior, Ontario Canada.
The Print Shop
Located at 155B Railway Street, we offer photo copying, direct printing, email to print, faxing, scan to email, laminating, and design for your immediate printing needs.
Our fully equipped print shop can supply all your other printing needs. No matter how big or small the job, we can handle it all.
Office Supplies and Stationery
The office at 155B Railway Street in Nipigon houses a comprehensive supply of Office Supplies and Stationery Products for business and personal use. Anything not in stock can be conveniently ordered.
We can stock specific items for your business on an ongoing basis.
Parcel Pick up Service
We will sign for your package, but we take no responsibility/liability for its condition as received. We will not accept COD.s, dangerous goods, illegal materials or any items that require special handling.
Local Purolator Agent
Dry Cleaning
Northland Bus Agent – Packages and Passengers